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xemrip.library documentation
`xemrip.library' V1.2 - Copyright © 1994 Stef Rave 20-Nov-94
xemrip.library is freeware (You may copy and use it for free)
No guarantee of any kind is given that the program described in this document
is 100% reliable. You are using this material on your own risk.
The preferences window
Text variables
Bug reports
Copyright & legal stuff
The xemrip.library is an external library for XEM V2.0
compatible terminal programs like 'TERM'. It uses the RIP (Remote Imaging
Protocol Script language) for the transmission of graphics and gadgets. The
xemrip.library will run form kickstart V2.04 (v37) and up. The xemrip.library
supports almost all commands of the RIP V 1.54 protocol.
I saw rip with RIPcomm v0.15 I wanted to use it, but it didn't work
very fine, some commands where missing and I wanted to use it with other
terminal programs like 'TERM'. So I decided to write an external library. The
first version was programmed in a period of 19 day.
The library will keep all icons in memory so it is doesn't need to
convert the icons every time they are loaded. The screens will be updated
faster but you will need enough memory to load all icons the host terminal will
instruct the xemrip.library to be displayed. From kick 3.0 a low memory handler
will be added so that the icons will be unloaded if you don't have enough
Form version 1.2 the library now can use user variables
The easiest way to instal the xemrip.library is to run the installation script
for the 'installer' program. If you don't have the installer program you must
install it by hand.
Installing by hand
Configuring terminal program
Installing by hand
(The example commands must be executed form the directory where this doc is
Copy to libs/xemrip.library form to the libs: directory.
'copy libs/xemrip.library libs:'
Copy the bitmap fonts to the fonts: directory
'copy fonts/#? fonts: all'
Make a directory where scalable fonts subdirectory, icons subdirectory and
demofiles are stored
'makedir <destenationdirectory>'
Copy icons fonts and demofiles
'copy 'rip/#? <destenationdirectory> all
Add an assign command to the userstartup file
'echo >>S:User-Startup "Assign rip: <destenationdirectory>"'
Assign rip if you want to use ripterm right now
'Assign rip: <destenationdirectory>'
Configuring terminal program
After you have installed the xemrip.library, you must configure the terminal
program. You must make the terminal program use the xemrip.library and change
the screen size and depth.
To must fist the terminal program use the xemrip.library. How to do this
depends on the terminal program, so you better read the manual of the terminal
If you use 'TERM':
Select 'terminal' in the 'settings' pull down menu.
Switch the 'Emulation' gadget until it says 'External'.
Enter 'xemrip.library' in the 'Emulation Name' gadget.
When you have done this you should change the screen. The screen size for the
rip protocol is 640*350 and 16 colors. You can check if the window is big
enough by opening the status window in TERM: Select 'Status' in the 'Windows'
pulldown menu. The Screen size in displayed in that window must be at least
80*43 (text size). If you don't own a VGA or multiscan monitor you will need an
interlaced screenmode. It doesn't matter if the screen is to big, but if the
screen is to small the lower or right part is clipped away and if buttons are
placed there you can't select or see them. It is also important that you use a
16 color screen, because if you don't the systems flood fill command will be
used which is a lot slower than my own one, and the colors won't look
You also may want to change the screen colors. In version 1.2 the library can
change the palette its self. The default rip colors are:
ColorNr Color values (r g b) (range 0 - 15)
1 Black 0 0 0
2 Blue 0 0 11
3 Green 0 11 0
4 Cyan 0 11 11
5 Red 11 0 0
6 Magenta 11 0 11
7 Brown 11 11 0
8 Light Gray 11 11 11
9 Dark Gray 6 6 6
10 Light Blue 3 3 15
11 Light Green 3 15 3
12 Light Cyan 3 15 15
13 Light Red 15 3 3
14 Light Magenta 15 3 15
15 Yellow 15 15 3
16 White 15 15 15
If all is OK a text has appeared on the screen. If is hasn't a menu options
like 'reset terminal' should be somewhere in the pull down menus.
User variables
Form version 1.2 the library now can use text variables
A special feature of the RIP protocol allows it to understand what a text
variable is. A text variable is a piece of text that the riplibrary knows
something more about. For example, the text variable 'DATE' is known to
represent the current Date on your computer. The BBS may ask your computer
what the values of one or more of these variables is, and if the riplibrary
knows that particular text variable, it will tell the BBS.
There are two types of Text Variables. There are built-in text variables that
riplibrary will always know about. Then there are also user text variables that
can contain a variety of information depending on what the user of riplibrary
entered at the time the variable was created. For example, the BBS might ask
you what the contents of the 'FULL_NAME' variable is, and if riplibrary doesn't
know, it will pop-up a requester on the screen and ask you about it. Where you
can enter the data.
If you don't want to enter the data you can press Cancel and nothing will be
send. If you press Send the data will be send to the BBS and the riplibrary
will forget the data. If you press Add to Database the data will be send to the
BBS and it will be stored in a database. From then on, riplibrary will remember
that piece of information for the next time it is needed by a BBS. The BBS can
also define text variables, the BBS can tell the riplibrary to store the
variable in the database or temporarily in memory. If you edit a temporarily
variable in the variable editor it will be added to the database.
Some examples of user text variables
Variable Information Stored in variable
-------------- ------------------------------
The preferences window
To get to the preferences window you must select the emulations options menu.
How to do this depends on the terminal program, so you better read the manual
of the terminal program.
If you use 'TERM':
Select 'Emulation' in the 'settings' pull down menu.
You should now get these options
Replay RIP Files Play back rip sequences
VariableEditor Get the variableeditor
Use RIP-Palette Enable the xemrip library to change the palette
Pause Timeout Enter the time the library waits before clearing
Main Rip directory Enter the main rip directory
Ripicons directory Enter the name where the ripicons are stored
Ripfonts directory Enter the name where the vector fonts are stored
Replay RIP File
If you have selected this option, asl requester will pop up and you can select
a file.
If you replay captures then what you see can differ from the time that you
recorded the capture. This happened because some buttons can contain
ripcommands like 'reset screen'. If you pressed such a button the screen will
be cleared but this is not recorded in the capture.
If you record a capture that you want to replay later, you must make sure that
the capture filter is turned off. (If the terminal uses the capture filter)
User Variable Editor
Here you can edit Th. user text variables.
Variable : The text variable must be entered here. You can only enter
letters and the undersquare '_'
ReturnText : This will be send back if the BBS queries for the variable.
Some variables force you to fill in something if it is
defines be the BBS.
New : Create a new variable
Delete : Delete this variable
Use RIP-Palette
If this option is selected the library can change the colors of the terminals
screen. I have made this option because if the terminal uses a public screen
like the workbench the other window will also use those colors. Also the
terminal program doesn't know about the color changes so if it will open a
window the colors may be wrong.
Pause Timeout
There is also another option in the Emulation window 'Pause Timeout'. With this
gadget you can set the time the library must wait before rebuilding the screen
if a '|#' command has occurred. In version 1.2 I have changed this a bit,
because the library sometimes waited when it wasn't necessary so the emulation
could seem a bit slow.
There will only be waited after a rip_no_more '|#' command
-when the screen must be cleared
-there is no text displayed after the rip_no_more command
(except for button text)
-The left mouse button isn't pressed after the rip_no_more command
Main Rip directory
In this text gadget you must enter the main rip directory. The library will
look in this directory if it must replay a rip sequence.
The default is: "RIP:"
Ripicons directory
In this text gadget you must enter directory name where the ripicons are
The default is: "RIP:Icons"
Ripfonts directory
In this text gadget you must enter directory name where the vector fonts are
The default is: "RIP:Fonts"
-I get just ANSI commands....
The library can not always react quick enough to 'tell' the
BBS it can use RIP commands. On almost all BBSsss you can
select RIP after you logged in. If you can't find the menu
in the BBS to use RIP commands you should ask the sysop
-My computer crashes when I log in after I configured the xemrip.library
in the phonebook.
This is because of a bug in TERM 4.0. You must select the configuration
before you logged in. You can do this by selecting the BBS-name any press
'USE-Entry' gadget.
To do
-Add missing ripcommands: (didn't see a BBS that used them yet)
-Make my fill routine work with other depths than 4-bitplanes
-Pop up command
-Add an options in the emulator menu like maximum icons stored in memory
-Use shared pens on public screens (kick 3.0)
1.2 -I forgot to add the ansi 'erase display' <csi>2J command so
screens where not cleared in ansi sequences.
-Ansi reversed video added
-The there will only be waited after a rip_no_more '|#' command
-when the screen must be cleared
-there is no text displayed after the rip_no_more command
(except for button text)
-The left mouse button isn't pressed after the rip_no_more command
-Palette can be changed. This can be turned on/off in the preferences
-RIP_CIRCLE and RIP_ARC commands now use an aspect ratio of 13:10
-The circle commands didn't work when the begin angle was bigger than
the end angle.
-Changed the RIP_BEZIER a bit so a few rip sequences work better
-A user variable editor is added, RIP_DEFINE added
-All 'important' query commands added, CON, COFF, SBARON, SBAROFF,
TABOFF, APPx and sound Variables (except BEEP) don't do anything.
-If the RIP_QUERY doesn't recognizes a query it will pop up a
requester where you can enter the query or cancel the requester.
-Mode 1 and 2 of the RIP_QUERY command added so Variables can be sent
after the user has clicked the text of graphical window.
-You can enter the default main rip, icon and graphical font directory
-The preferences will be saved after closing the emulation window if
the terminal hasn't done this.
-Faster iconloading.
-The RIP_FILL command is now buffered so if there are some FILL
commands after each other the fill doesn't have to read the
windows rastport which takes a lot of time. This can make fills
twice as fast.
-The restore clipboard query didn't allocate memory correctly so the
computer could crash freeing the memory.
-Added a lowmemory handler. The icons are flushed out of the memory
when other programs can't get enough memory or after you typed
'avail flush' in the cli. This works from kick 3.0.
-Stored the icon not found picture in the library. Now the icon
is always shown if the library can't find an icon.
1.1 16-Sep-94
-Some small bugs fixed
-You can now use the library in border windows
-No more reading directly from bitmaps. Sometimes if there was
a window in front is the terminalwindow and you closed
that window the window was still displayed in the terminal
window. Because the data isn't red directly from the bitmap
the fill routine is slower.
-You can now use the library with more terminal program's at once
-Now the library waits when necessary after a '|#' command. In the
previous version the library waited never normally. But when
replaying a capture it waited always.
1.0 -First release programmed in 19 days 27-Aug-94
Bug reports
If you find a bug, have some ideas for the xemrip.library, you can email me at:
srave@sterbbs.nl or write me a letter. My address is:
Stef Rave
Dorpstraat 69
7361 AS Beekbergen
Copyright & legal stuff
xemrip.library is freeware (You may copy and use it for free)
The program and files in this distribution are freely distributable, but are
also copyright (c) Stef Rave. They may be freely distributed as long as no more
than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original unmodified
No guarantee of any kind is given that the program described in this document
is 100% reliable. You are using this material on your own risk.
Installer and Installer project icon
(c) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore.